Ongoing Research projects in 2024

My current research looks at the politics of humanitarianism, and I have two separate book projects underway. The first looks at the obstruction of humanitarian assistance, while second looks at challenges faced across the humanitarian sector.


The War on Rescue: Humanitarianism and the European “Migration Crisis”

This book analyzes the experiences of humanitarian organizations working in the European “Migration Crisis” of 2015-2020, and the attempts by European governments to redirect, prevent and obstruct humanitarian efforts to assist people on the move. More info is available here.


Humanitarianism in the 21st Century: Ongoing Challenges, Unanswered Questions

This book is an edited volume, featuring contributions from a range of scholars, humanitarians, and people who have experienced humanitarianism. The book is expansive in scope, looking at the key conceptual, contextual and operational challenges that humanitarians face in the 21st century. More info is available here.

Blood test. Gulu, Uganda (2008)

Blood test. Gulu, Uganda (2008)

Entrance to hospital, Bossangoa, Central African Republic (2013).

Entrance to hospital, Bossangoa, Central African Republic (2013).